However, conversion problems rear their ugly head no sooner than you begin. There are a few points where you can choose to go one way about solving a problem or another, and the paths branch widely enough to give three different endings. The storyline, although basic, is better constructed than the average garden-variety shooter. Kirk's creation is unstable, and has caused a shift in time, thus enabling lots of dinosaurs to come around and tramp through the base like they owned it, cheeky blighters. You and your team have been sent out to expatriate Dr. The only problem is that the project had been cancelled after a disaster caused the deaths of over 150 people involved in the project. Kirk, had been working on an alternative energy source called the "Third Energy" which would solve the world's pollution problems. The story goes that some months ago an undercover spy discovered a scientist (mad, naturally) who was previously presumed dead.

The game itself is exactly the same: there would be no point in getting Dino Crisis for the PC if you've already got it on the Playstation. But it also has to be said that this is one of the worst conversions I've ever seen. It was never going to set the world on fire, even when it was first released, but it is, nevertheless, an entertaining romp through a secret base filled with nothing but flesh-munching dinosaurs. You see, Dino Crisis is actually a pretty good game. So what about Dino Crisis? Is it any good or yet another in a long, long line of failures? Well, it's both. With a few notable exceptions such as the Final Fantasy 's and more recently Metal Gear Solid, Playstation ports have, by and large, bombed so badly they'd make WW2 seem like a minor scuffle. You hear so much about Playstation games being ported across to the PC and flopping.